Automobile Full Forms List

There are so many acronyms related to the automobile that we used to hear in our daily life. For example, RTR, PUC, ABS, etc. It is important to know the full forms of these acronyms.

Here is the list of important terms related to the automobile and their full forms.

Sr. No. Acronym Full Form
1 ABS Antilock Braking System
2 AC  Alternating Current
3 ACC  Automatic Climate Control or Adaptive Cruise Control
4 ACCS  Air Conditioning Cycling Switch
5 ACD  Air Conditioning Demand
6 ACE  Active Cornering Enhancement
7 ACM  Airbag Control Module
8 ACP  Air Conditioning Pressure
9 ADAS  Advanced Driver Assistance System
10 ADB  Adaptive Driving Beam
11 ADC  Automatic Distance Control
12 ADG  Accommodated Device Gateway
13 ADL  Automatic Door Lock
14 ADS  Auxiliary Discriminating Sensor
15 ADU  Autonomous Driving Unit
16 AECM  Airbag Electronic Control Module
17 AFCD  Advanced Frontal Crash Dummy
18 AFCM  Alternate Fuel Control Module
19 AFECM  Alternate Fuel Engine Control Module
20 AFL  Adaptive Front Light
21 AFO  Alternate Fuel Operation
22 AFR  Air Fuel Ratio
23 AGVS  Automated Guided Vehicle System
24 AHLD  Automatic Headlamp Levelling Device
25 AHS  Active Handling System
26 AIM  Automotive Interior Material
27 AIR  Air Injection Reaction
28 AIS  Automatic Idle Speed
29 ALR  Automatic Locking Retractor
30 AMM  Air Mass Meter
31 AMT  Automated Manual Transmission
32 APO  Accessory Power Outlets
33 APP  Accelerator Pedal Position
34 APT  Adjustable part Throttle
35 ARAI Automotive Research Association of India
36 ASA  Automatic Slack Adjuster
37 ASARC  Air Suspension Automatic Ride Control
38 ASG  Automatic-Shift Gearbox
39 ASG  Automatic Shift Gearbox
40 ASTC  Automatic Stability and Traction Control
41 ATC  Automatic Temperature Control
42 ATLS  Automated Truck Loading Systems
43 AWD  All Wheel Drive
44 AWD  All Wheel Drive
45 BHP Brake Horse Power
46 BMEP Brake Mean Effective Pressure
47 BSFC Brake Specific Fuel Consumption
48 C.I ENGINE Compression Ignition Engine
49 CAMM  Computer Aided Manufacturing Measurement
50 CAMS  Computerized Automotive Maintenance System
51 CARB  California Air Resources Board
52 CC Cubic Capacity
53 CCO  Converter Clutch Override
54 CCOT  Cycling Clutch Orifice Tube
55 CCP  Climate Control Panel
56 CCVTI Controlled Combustion Variable Timing Ignition
57 CDI Capacitor Discharge Ignition
58 CFI  Continuous Fuel Injection
59 CI.Eng  Compression Ignition Engine
60 CMFI  Central Multi-Port Fuel Injection
61 CNG Compressed Natural Gas
62 CPFI  Central Port Fuel Injection
63 CRDE  Common Rail Diesel Engine
64 CRDI Common Rail Direct Injection
65 CSFI  Central Sequential Fuel Injection
66 CVN  Calibration Verification Number
67 CVT Continuous Variable Transmission
68 CVTI Charged-motion Variable Time Ignition
69 CWS  Continental Wheel System
70 DDIS Direct Diesel Injection System
71 DDS  Deflection Detection System
72 DFI Digital Fuel Injection
73 DGI  Direct Gasoline Injection
74 DGS  Direct Shift Gearbox
75 DI ENGINE Direct Injection Engine
76 DICOR Direct Injection Common Rail
77 DMV  Department of Motor Vehicles
78 DOHC Double Overhead Camshaft
79 DSCC  Distance Sensing Cruise Control
80 DTS-FI Digital Twin Spark Fuel Injection
81 DTSI  Digital Twin Spark Ignition
82 DTS-i Digital Twin Spark Ignition
83 DTS-Si Digital Twin Spark Swirl Induction
84 EATC  Electronic Automatic Temperature Control
85 EBC  Electronic Brake Control
86 EBD Electronic Brakeforce Distribution
87 EC ENGINE External Combustion Engine
88 EC.Eng  External Combustion Engine
89 ECC  Electronic Climate Control
90 EFI  Electronic Fuel Injection
91 EGR Exhaust Gas Recirculation
92 EHB  Electro-Hydraulic Brake
93 EHCU  Electronic Hydraulic Control Unit
94 EHOC  Electrically Heated Oxidation Catalyst
95 EHPS  Electro-Hydraulic Power Steering
96 EOP  Engine Oil Pressure
97 EOT  Engine Oil Temperature
98 EPHS  Electrically Powered Hydraulic Steering
99 EPR  Exhaust Pressure Regulator
100 EPS  Electric Power Steering
101 ESC Electronic Stability Control
102 ESCM  Energy Storage Control Module
103 EVO  Electronic Variable Orifice
104 EVRV Electronic Vacuum Regulator Valve
105 FDE  Ford Duratorq Engine
106 FGT Fixed Geometry Turbocharger
107 FHP Frictional Horse Power
108 FIPL  Fuel Injection Pump Lever
109 FPI  Fins Per Inch
110 FPM  Fuel Pump Monitor
111 FPRC  Fuel Pressure Regulator Circuit
112 FTP  Fuel Tank Pressure
113 FWD Front Wheel Drive
114 GDI Gasoline Direct Injection
115 GVW Gross Vehicle Weight
116 GWP  Global Warming Potential
117 HAD  Highly Autonomous Driving
118 HCCI  Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition
119 HCM  Heating Control Module
120 HCU  Hydraulic Control Unit
121 HCV Heavy Commercial Vehicle
122 HEPS  Hydraulic Electric Power Steering
123 HEV  Hybrid Electric Vehicle
124 HP Horse Power
125 HPDI  High Pressure Direct Injection
126 HVAC Heating ventilating and Air Conditioning
127 HVI  High Viscosity Index
128 ICE  Internal Combustion Engine
129 ICM  Ignition Control Module
130 ICP  Injection Control Pressure
131 IHP Indicated Horse Power
132 IMEP Indicated Mean Effective Pressure
133 ISFC Indicated Specific Fuel Consumption
134 ISG  Integrated Starter Generator
135 ISO  Interior Systems Optimization
136 IVCS  Integrated Vehicle Control System
137 IVSC  Integrated Vehicle Speed Control
138 JCB Joseph Cyril Bamford
139 KPH Kilometer Per Hour
140 KPL Kilometer Per Liter
141 LCV Light Commercial Vehicle
142 LEV  Low-Emission Vehicle
143 LNG  Liquid Natural Gas
144 LPG  Liquefied Petroleum Gas
145 LSPV Load Sensing Proportioning Valve
146 MPFI Multi Point Fuel Injection
147 MRF Madras Rubber Factory
148 MUV Multi Utility vehicle
149 MVSS  Motor Vehicle Safety Standards
150 NGV  Natural Gas Vehicle
151 NHTSA  National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
152 NMOG  Non-Methane Organic Gas
153 NTMVSA  National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act
154 NVLD  Natural Vacuum Leak Detection
155 OBD On Board Diagnose
156 OHV Over Head Valve
157 ORC  Oxidation Reduction Converter
158 PUC  Pollution Under Control
159 RABS  Rear Antilock Brake System
160 RPM  Revolutions Per Minute
161 RTO Regional Transport Office
162 RTR  Racing Throttle Response
163 RWD Rear Wheel Drive
164 S.I. Engine  Spark Ignition Engine
165 SAE Society of Automotive Engineers
166 SMCC  Stepper Motor Cruise Control
167 SOHC Single Over Head Camshaft
168 SRS Supplemental Restraint System
169 SULEV  Super Ultra Low Emission Vehicle
170 SUV Sport Utility Vehicle
171 TACM  Throttle Actuator Control Module
172 TBI  Throttle Body Injection
173 TC  Traction Control
174 TDCI Turbo Diesel Common Rail Injection
175 TDI Turbocharged Direct Injection
176 TRR  Tire Rolling Resistance
177 TSI  Turbocharged Stratified Injection
178 TVS Thirukkurungudi Vengaram Sundram
179 ULEV  Ultra-Low Emission Vehicle
180 VACS  Vehicle Access Control System
181 VATS  Vehicle AntiTheft System
182 VDB Ventilated Disc Brake
183 VDC  Variable Displacement Compressor
184 VDCS  Vehicle Dynamics Control System
185 VDIS  Vehicle Diagnostic Information System
186 VECI  Vehicle Emission Control Information
187 VGT Variable Geometry Turbocharger
188 VIN  Vehicle Identification Number
189 VNT Variable Nozzle Turbine
190 VRLA  Valve Regulated Lead Acid
191 VSC  Vehicle Stability Control
192 VSES  Vehicle Stability Enhancement System
193 VSS  Vehicle Speed Sensor
194 VSV  Vacuum Solenoid Valve
195 VTVT Variable Timing Valve Train
196 VVT  Variable Valve Timing
197 VVTI  Variable Valve Timing With Intelligence
198 WGT Waste Gas Turbocharger
199 xVDS  Extended Vehicle Diagnostic System
200 ZEV  Zero Emission Vehicle

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